
One focus of our engineering services is the application, coupling and extension of numerical models. Thereby, mainly spatially and temporally resolved models are used. These models are based on the finite difference, finite volume or finite element method.

With the help of these models, hydrological and hydraulic processes can be captured with high resolution. First of all, it is necessary to build the numerical models with all available data and information in such a way that they capture the natural conditions in the best possible way. The model construction follows the recommendations of the technical regulations.

Since we strive for a holistic view of the water cycle in our model investigations, coupled model systems are also used. Thereby we couple the components soil water balance or hydrological model, stream model, groundwater model and lake model. But also a coupling with a meteorological model is possible, especially for the observation in lakes.

We run our models mainly as management models. We do not only consider historical periods, but also offer to run the models in the so-called online mode. This means that daily simulations are automated and extended with forecasts for the future. The current results and forecasts can be made available “online” in the browser to a group of stakeholders or the general public.

For special questions, the extension of a simulation tool may be necessary. If the source code is openly accessible, we offer extensions of the simulation tools tailored to the problem, e.g. for simulation tools of the Modflow family.